CRUX Engineering BV

CRUX Engineering BV

CRUX is an independent geotechnical consulting agency and provides high-quality advice in the field of geotechnical engineering, geohydrology, ground and settlement risk assessment.
By bundling these consultancy services with their expertise in monitoring, ground research and ground improvement techniques, CRUX are truly capable of offering complete and, where necessary, innovative geotechnical design solutions.

CRUX is also leading in the field of performing analyses of settlement risk. For example, a quantitative risk analysis of expected displacements, vibrations and groundwater level changes at the site of the adjacent structures can be done prior to the work. But the firm can also investigate the causality of (construction) damage that has already occurred.


In addition, CRUX develops geotechnical and geohydrological software in cooperation with their sister company CEMS (CRUX Engineering Micro Services). In this process, CRUX provides the knowledge and CEMS the developers.

If you are curious about the software, CEMS has developed a sample website

On this website, you can make limited use of the software after creating a free account.


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